Due to COVID-19, at church Sunday services and meetings have moved online until further notice.


embracing . encouraging . empowering

Message: COVID-19

With the current outbreak, we want to make sure we're doing what we can to keep our members and community safe! As of 3/13/20, all services and meetings will be cancelled until 5/1/20.
Be sure to visit the CDC & WHO websites for more information.

Welcome Home!

We like to think of ourselves as a church of imperfect people that does life together in and by God's grace. Whether you've been doing church for awhile or you're figuring it out, there's a place for you here.

Sunday Service

Due to the current "Stay Home" order, we'll continue our Sunday services via Zoom @ 11AM.
If you're unable to join us, each service will be recorded and uploaded to our app & website!

Latest Teachings & Encouragements

Listen to our latest teachings & encouragements, especially during these unprecedented times.  We pray that they would serve as an encouragement to your life and relationship with God. 

See what we're
listening to!

Carefully curated by our very own worship team :)

We have a livestream!

*Due to the current "Stay Home" order, all Sunday services will be held via Zoom @ 11AM. Recorded versions will made accessible via our app & website

If you aren't able to make it to one of our services, we have a livestream of our entire 11am service! Tune in via our Facebook page.