Due to COVID-19, at church Sunday services and meetings have moved online until further notice.
embracing . encouraging . empowering
Message: COVID-19
With the current outbreak, we want to make sure we're doing what we can to keep our members and community safe! As of 3/13/20, all services and meetings will be cancelled until 5/1/20. Be sure to visit the CDC & WHO websites for more information.
We like to think of ourselves as a church of imperfect people that does life together in and by God's grace. Whether you've been doing church for awhile or you're figuring it out, there's a place for you here.
Due to the current "Stay Home" order, we'll continue our Sunday services via Zoom @ 11AM. If you're unable to join us, each service will be recorded and uploaded to our app & website!
Listen to our latest teachings & encouragements, especially during these unprecedented times. We pray that they would serve as an encouragement to your life and relationship with God.